Who are we?

Quadrant Conseil is a co-operative company1 specialised in programme evaluation and policy design. The company was established in 2013 as a spin-off of the French consultancy Euréval by 4 of its former employees, with an objective of keeping Euréval’s spirit of excellence alive. Quadrant Conseil is managed by Virginie Besrest, who has more than 15 years of consulting experience. The consultancy now counts 17 employees – including the 4 founding partners.

We specialise in impact evaluation and especially theory-based approaches. We use innovative methods to evaluate programmes and projects worldwide. We also teach evaluation and coach public officers in their evaluation and policy design efforts.

Our company's employees are: Virginie Besrest, Thomas Delahais, Karine Sage, Adrien Flichy, Alexandra Williams, Agathe Devaux-Spatarakis, Marc Tevini, Noémie Lequet, Cherifa Oudghiri, Thomas Bouget, Pauline Joly, Claire Darnond, Pauline Algier, Ismaël N'daw, Jacques Delahousse and Matthieu Sarnin.

Quadrant Conseil is a member of the French Evaluation Society, and complies with its guiding principles.

  1. Find out more about co-operative companies on the co-operatives UK website

The management - the secretariat


The partners


The consultants


Virginie Besrest - Partner and Manager Find out more about Virginie

Virginie Besrest

Virginie BESREST is the managing partner and one of the four founding partners of the French consulting firm Quadrant Conseil. Previously, she worked for 10 years as head of the economic policy evaluation department at Euréval- C3E, a pioneer in evaluation in Europe. She is an experienced evaluator and trainer. For the past 20 years, she has been carrying out evaluation and strategic consultancy assignments (mainly in support of the revision or design of public policies) for regional, national and European institutions.

She works on various public policy issues, but her main area of expertise is the evaluation of economic development, innovation and entrepreneurship policies. She regularly collaborates with researchers in these fields.

Virginie has also been training European and national public officials for many years. In particular, she trains (under the aegis of EIPA) EC, EP and ECA officials in policy design, monitoring and evaluation on a regular basis.

Virginie has also been a member of the Board of the French Evaluation Society for 6 years (including 3 years as Secretary General).

Prior to this, Virginie Besrest worked for 10 years as the Director of economic policies at Euréval.

chapeau Master's Degree in Business from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Marseille - Specialised Master’s Degree in "International development and cooperation from University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her working languages are French, English and German.


Thomas Delahais - Partner Find out more about Thomas Find out more about Thomas

Thomas Delahais

Thomas Delahais manages and works on evaluation projects and strategic consulting assignments for international and European institutions as well as for French local and national authorities. He specializes in impact evaluation, especially theory-based impact evaluation techniques such as contribution analysis.

Thomas also provides training in evaluation to professionals from organisations such as the FAO or the French National Employment Office and teaches in the Master's program Economy of Local Development and Planning at the University of Paris I – Panthéon–Sorbonne.

Prior to this, Thomas Delahais worked for 10 years as the Director of Innovation at Euréval.

chapeau Master's Degree in "Urban Planning and Regional Development from Sciences-Po Paris - Degree from the Institute of Political Science of Bordeaux. His working languages are French and English. He also speaks Spanish at a basic conversational level.


Karine Sage - Partner Find out more about Karine

Karine Sage

Karine Sage manages and works on evaluation projects and strategic consulting assignments for national and local administrations. Her sectors of expertise are energy management and equal opportunity.

Karine also provides training in evaluation to professionals from organisations such as the French Erasmus+ Agency or Pôle Emploi and teaches in the Master's program "Territorial Development Consulting" at the University of Saint-Étienne.

Prior to this, Karine Sage worked for 6 years at Euréval.

chapeau Master's Degree in « Public Policy Evaluation » from the Institute of Political Science of Lyon. Her working languages are French, English and Spanish.


Adrien Flichy - Partner Find out more about Adrien

Adrien Flichy

Adrien Flichy is involved in evaluation projects and strategic consulting assignments at international, national and regional levels.

Adrien teaches in the Master's program "Public Policy Evaluation" at the Institute of Political Science of Lyon.

Before joining Quadrant Conseil, Adrien worked for three years at Euréval. Prior to this, he spent two years as a Policy Officer at the Auvergne EU Office in Brussels, where he worked on different EU policies such as transportation, social affairs, education and international cooperation.

chapeau Master's Degree in "Territorial Governance and Public Policy" from the Institute of Political Science of Bordeaux - Master's Degree in "European Public Affairs" from the University of Maastricht. His working languages are French and English.


Agathe Devaux-Spatarakis - Partner-Researcher Find out more about Agathe Find out more about Agathe

Agathe Devaux

Agathe Devaux-Spatarakis manages and works on evaluation projects and strategic consulting assignments for French local and national authorities as well as research institutions. She specialises in (theory-driven) impact evaluations and the assessment of innovations and experiments. She is a researcher at the Emile Durkheim Center of Bordeaux.

Agathe also teaches in the Master's program "Public Policy Evaluation" at the Institute of Political Science of Lyon.

Prior to this, Agathe was the Scientific manager of impact evaluations of agricultural research at Cirad and a consultant at Euréval while pursuing her doctoral degree.

chapeau Doctorate Degree in Political Science, Dissertation on "The Methods of Impact Evaluation" from the University of Bordeaux - Master's Degree "Public Action and Local Governance" from the Institute of Political Science of Bordeaux and Cardiff University. Her working languages are French, English and Portuguese.

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Alexandra Williams - Partner Find out more about Alexandra

Alexandra Williams

Alexandra Williams is involved in evaluation projects and strategic consulting assignments for public authorities at local and national levels.

Prior to this, Alexandra worked for two years as a Research Assistant at the University of Simon Fraser, notably on a research project regarding immigration.

chapeau Master's Degree in « Public Policy and Opinion » from the University of Paris-Dauphine - Bachelor's Degree (Hons) in Political Science from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver (Canada). Her working languages are French and English.


Marc Tevini - Partner Find out more about Marc

Marc Tevini

Marc Tevini is a partner and consultant. He is involved in evaluation projects and strategic consulting assignments for public authorities at national and European levels. He is particularly interested in the evaluation of transition policies (energy, transport, agriculture) and international cooperation policies.

Since 2018, he has founded and led the thematic group of young emerging evaluators (JEEunes) within the French Evaluation Society, which now has more than 70 members.

Marc is developing a research interest around evaluation processes carried out by non-evaluation practitioners, namely activist public policy analysis. He recently presented his work at the European Evaluation Society conference in 2018 and at the French Evaluation Days in 2019.

chapeau Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in « Sustainable Territorial Development », from the University of Padova in Italy, KU Leuven in Belgium, and the University Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne in France.

His working languages are French, English, Spanish and Italian.


Noémie Lequet - Partner Find out more about Noémie

Noémie Lequet

Noémie Lequet is a partner and consultant. She manages and works on evaluation projects, training and strategic consulting assignments for French and European administrations, local authorities and private actors. She is interested in all areas of public action, with a particular focus on gender, sport, social justice, ecological transition, higher education and research.

Noémie teaches evaluation in the "Public Policies" master's program at Université Paris Dauphine and in the "Sociological Studies Officer" master's program at Université de Bordeaux. Prior to this, she spent 3 years as a program evaluator at the University of Bordeaux and the French Erasmus+ Agency.

chapeau Master’s degree in Social Engineering and Interventions from the University of Bordeaux in France, 3rd year of bachelor’s degree at the Free University Amsterdam (Netherlands). Her working languages are French and English.


Cherifa Oudghiri - Partner Find out more about Cherifa

Cherifa Oudghiri

Cherifa Oudghiri is a consultant. She manages and participates in public policy evaluation missions for French and European organizations and administrations. She is also involved in strategic consulting assignments for public authorities at local and national levels. Prior to this, Cherifa worked for six years in project management and quality control in an international company.

Cherifa is also in charge of the territorial policy evaluation course at Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne as part of the Master 2 EADL program.

chapeau Master’s degree in Territorial and Local Development at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her working languages are French and English.


Pauline Joly - Partner Find out more about Pauline

Pauline Joly

Pauline Joly is involved in evaluation projects for public authorities, mostly in the fields of employement, social and laboral inclusion, youth policies. Prior to this, Pauline worked for four years as a consultant for Geste a company specialised in programme evaluation, social studies, and territory analysis.

chapeau Master « Public policies and territories » from the Institute of Political Science of Rennes. Her working languages are French and Spanish.


Thomas Bouget - consultant Find out more about Thomas

Thomas Bouget

Thomas Bouget is involved in evaluation projects and strategic consulting assignments for public authorities at local and national levels. As a student, he conducted a research project about prevention and risk-reduction policies in France, and was later given the professionnal opportunity to carry out a study at the national level on the audience of symphony orchestras.

chapeau Master's Degree in Public Policy and Opinion from the University of Paris-Dauphine. His working languages are French and English.


Pauline Algier - consultant Find out more about Pauline

Pauline Algier

Pauline Algier is involved in evaluation projects and strategic consulting assignments with national administrations, local governments, and recognized public interest organizations such as foundations. She has a particular interest in questions of social integration and solidarity. Prior to her current role, she worked for a social impact assessment firm. During these missions, she applied a diverse range of methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative.

chapeau Master's degree in "Economic Expertise in Development Policies and Projects" from the Institute of Economic and Social Development Studies at Panthéon Sorbonne University. Her working languages are French, English, Spanish.


ismaël n'daw - consultant Find out more about Pauline

Ismaël N'daw

Ismaël N'daw is a consultant. He takes part in public policy evaluation missions for national administrations, local authorities and non-profit organisations such as foundations. He is particularly interested in the evaluation of public policies related to education, professional integration, sport, economic development and research.

chapeau Research Master's degree in International Economics and Development from the University of Paris-Dauphine. Working languages: French, English.


iris aït ouadda - consultant Find out more about Iris

Iris Aït Ouadda

Iris Aït Ouadda is a consultant. She is involved in evaluation projects missions for national administrations, local authorities and non-profit organisations such as foundations. She has previously worked on a variety of projects (territorial diagnoses and educational projects) around the themes of education, energy transition, regional planning and citizen participation.

chapeau Master's Degree in Public Policy and Opinion from the University of Paris-Dauphine. Her working languages are French and English.


jacques delahousse - consultant Find out more about Jacques

Jacques Delahousse is a consultant. He takes part in public policy evaluation missions for national administrations, local authorities and non-profit organisations such as foundations. Previously, he participated in the collection and analysis of qualitative data for a study on experiments with menstrual leave in collaboration with the IEP in Lyon and the city of Saint-Ouen.

chapeau Master's Degree in Public policy analysis from the from the Institute of Political Science of Lyon. His working languages are French, English and Spanish.


matthieu sarnin - consultant Voir le profil LinkedIn de Matthieu Sarnin

Matthieu Sarnin is a consultant. He takes part in public policy evaluation missions for national administrations, local authorities and non-profit organisations such as foundations. Previously, he worked on the transfer of scientific knowledge in environmental policy development at the Environmental Policy Unit of the Interdisciplinary public policy evaluation laboratory (LIEPP) at Sciences Po Paris.

chapeau Master's Degree in research in Political Science from Sciences Po paris. His working languages are French and English.


Claire Darnond - Office manager Find out more about Claire

Claire Darnond

Claire Darnond is the Office Manager. She is responsible for the administrative management of Quadrant Conseil and supports the partners and staff in some of their tasks. She is particularly interested in the issues of ageing, care and disability and has taken part in several studies on the isolation of the elderly, the transformation of intergenerational relations, care professions and vulnerability as a lever for shared prosperity.

chapeau Master's degree in Management & Communication, Université de Northeastern-Boston (USA).
